I am amazed at the recruitment rate of some of the other ImagiNations. Looking over my figures, as near as I can reckon, the past year I painted around 114 SYW minis (including 9 cavalry, a few riders/horses, 1 cannon, assorted accessories and civilians). Before getting on the 18th century bandwagon I also painted 24 medieval civilians and 12 vikings from Foundry, 30 Celtos minis (including 3 cavalry and 1 chariot) to add to my existing collection, and 5 GW minis to add to my fantasy armies. (I think it adds up to around 200 or so Olley points)
Hopefully I will make better progress on minis for the Soweiter League and Batrachia this year.
This is one of several reasons I don't do big battalions! My hat is off to those sturdier souls who do manage big battalions.