Finally got around to adding banners to the standardbearers for several units which were previously shown.
First up, the cavalry.

Batrachian infantry.

Soweiter League infantry.

(apologies for fingerprints and other smudges - I had a hard time getting these glued on without getting glue on my fingers)
Hi Fitz,
Those are some Standards and Banners that are a credit to their regiments and well worth rallying around! I like 'em and anyone who says different is a traitor to his country!
Handsome figures, great flags and standards!
A lovely collection of flags. The standard beares are nicely painted too
-- Allan
Ditto, ditto, ditto. What more can I add? I like them too . . . and they will look great on the table top.
-- Jeff
Splendid colors and standards! They'll look a treat advancing into battle.
Super standards- can you enlighten us to how they were made/designed?
many thanks
Thanks for all of the kind comments!
I make the flags by finding images for the heraldry from several books I have or from on-line sources, scan or grab an image, live-trace in Adobe Illustrator (this gives me more flexibility for editing and combining images), add the result to live-traced flag blanks Jeff "Bluebear" posted on his blog once upon a time or use homemade simple flag blanks, color as desired, find the correct size for the flagpoles carried by the minis and scale the flags to fit, print, cut, glue flags and fingers to poles.
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