Submitted for your perusal:
I've been working on minor redesigns of some old flags, as well as some new flags for new units.
The first set are infantry flags for the Batrachians. The 3 on the left are, from top to bottom, the King's Musketeers, The Queen's Musketeers, and the Musketeers de Limbourg. The main thing I'm trying there are slightly brighter colors. The flags on the right are, from top to bottom, the grenadiers, the Pandours du Pinque, and the Pandours du Noir (referred by some as the Pandours de Gris or Grey Pandours - these are veterans)
(this last unit is not painted yet).note - the crosses are meant to indicate the button and hat trim colors - yellow crosses for gold/brass/yellow buttons and hat trim; white/gray crosses for silver/pewter/white buttons and hat trim. Going back I realized I had painted all of the units so far with gold/brass/ yellow buttons and hat trim.
The second set of flags are for cavalry, Batrachian on the left and Soweiter League on the right. On the left, from top to bottom, are the Poupon Dragoons de la Moutarde (again, not much of a change, just a little darker gray and a little brighter yellow), and a unit of Cuirassiers (just finished painting, working on a name for them - I'm thinking something along the lines of the Cuirassiers Royale, sponsered by the king's devoted and wise uncle, Jean-Louis, but lead by a younger more active colonel). On the right, from top to bottom, are the Ober-Umlaut Untersee Horse Marines and the Jingleheimer-Schwartz Cavalry.
I based most of these flags on basic templates posted by Bluebear Jeff long ago on his Saxe-Bearstein blog (search his blog for "flags") or go directly to the flag templates post. Thanks Jeff! Heraldry and other embellishements added by me.
Helpful comments are welcome as always! Snide remarks you can keep to yourself... ;-)
Updates made after helpful comments from Bluebear Jeff and Jean-Louis