Finally managed to get a few miniatures painted.
First up, the Ballyfoole Hussars, also known as the Ballyfoole Light Brigade (formerly painted a sort of purple and dubbed the Heisenberg-Hasenpfeffer Hussars). Now repainted red and green and reassigned. Under the command of Colonel Flynn.
Next, the Woostershire Infantry of Grand Thidwick. These are veteran campaigners, commanded by Colonel Lancelot Threepwood.
A vivandiere wearing part of the uniform of the Ballyfoole Hussars. (apologies for the fuzzy picture)
And finally, a family of fallow deer from the local deer park.
These are all Foundry miniatures.
Friday’s game : Norway 1940
20 minutes ago
Great to see some more of your 18th Cent chaps moving forward...
Any plans of setting up a game soon- the waterfall and diverse other terrain ( not to mention the Soweiter League troops) would be great to see in action again...
best wishes
btw I sent off and have recieved some 20mm samples of ECW Les Higgins figures - they are excellent-might be just what you are looking for...
All of the figures look very sharp . . . but being fond as I am of red-and-yellow, I really like the Woostershire's best.
-- Jeff
Is the hussar vivandiere a conversion?
¿"20mm ECW"? Dispersion! Ach! Gross Malheur!
Thanks, Alan! 20mm is too small for my old eyes. lol
I will do some more games one of these days. I just haven't had much energy for it lately, especially during the long hot days of summer here.
Thanks, Jeff and Jean-Louis.
The vivandiere is just as she comes, no conversions.
"The vivandiere is just as she comes, no conversions."
From what manufacturer? Jacdaw?
as noted, all figures in this post are Foundry. yes, even the vivandiere. :)
Nice stuff, like the deer
-- Allan
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