I decided I might as well face the truth, that this blog and project is pretty much over and done. It was fun while it lasted, but my gaming interests lie elsewhere these days.
I dislike leaving things hanging though, so to wrap things up, here follows the rest of the history of the League and the war:
The war between the Soweiter League and the Batrachian Empire raged on for a while, with both sides becoming increasingly exhausted. In the end the hostilities petered out and peace broke out. The Batrachian Empire descended into revolution and civil war (the royal side wearing the traditional tricorne-era uniforms; while the rebels tended towards the new model of uniforms worn by armies of the Napoleonic era). General Soleau tried to establish a "republic", but was ultimately defeated. The Batrachian royal line merged with the nobility of Mayeaux, with Mayeaux and Batrachia combing to become the kingdom of Mayeux. With the pressures of war gone and the need for cooperation greatly diminished the Soweiter League disbanded, with the various states going separate paths. The Germanic member states joined with and were subsumed into a Germanic confederation (the Confederation of Ostphalia). Mayeux joined with Batrachia, as mentioned, to become its own nation-state. The English-speaking states of the former Soweiter League united into a new nation, which was named Freedonia. And Santa Sofia remains on its own as a micro-nation in the hilly wine country somewhere between Germany, Austria, and Italy.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Any future miniatures, games, or other hobby stuff, will be posted in my other blog, Tales of Mirth.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
More Roman 1/32 Scale Buildings
23 hours ago
I do hope we shall see some new stuff over on Tales of Mirth sometime soon...?
I loved the project and look forward to seeing what you will do next whichever blog you put it on.
Thanks, guys! This has been a hectic year, especially the last few months, but it's all been for a good cause - my impending retirement! Currently I am in the process of consolidating and packing for a move, too. So during all of this I have also been re-evaluating where I want my gaming to go. I am leaning back towards my gaming roots and longtime interest in fantasy. I have quite a few fantasy miniatures to paint (and quite a few already painted), either in hand or on their way from kickstarters sooner or later. I have also picked up a few miniatures rules sets, and even though some are more about historical eras I think I will use fantasy minis, and more board games. Once retirement and relocation is done I hope/expect to have more time for hobbies. So I hope to have more to post in 2017. :)
In the meantime, I still get a lot of enjoyment and inspiration from your blogs and other favorite blogs. Thank you!
So Merry Christmas and Adieu? I suppose I;ll just have to search out Tales of Mirth!
Enjoy retirement!
Thanks, Ross!
The other blog is at https://talesofmirth.blogspot.com/
I have more of the dwarf musketeers to paint, and various other kickstarter minis on the way. I also want to get in more games of Dragon Rampant and some of the other Osprey game titles (may do the Colonial game, but with fantasy figures, for example - blasphemy?). And I have more board games to get into. Not to mention piles of books to read. :)
Times change, interests change, that's natural. Hope the future brings you more joy.
Thanks, Michael! My interests in gaming and miniatures at least are turning back towards their roots. Which is fantasy. Partly because I want to concentrate my efforts more and partly because I keep finding good kickstarters and other miniatures in the fantasy genre that strike my fancy. I do enjoy reading about real history and expect that will continue, but my gaming has always been more inspired by fiction (books and cinema/tv especially). :)
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