Introducing another Batrachian unit, the Pandours du Pinque, commanded by Colonel Clouseau. The colors in this depiction may not be quite true to life. The coats are white (well, I use very light gray, saving pure white when I want something really white) and the hats, trousers, cuffs and sashes are a violet (Vallejo's blue violet on top of a black basecoat, followed by Vallejo royal purple - so it's more purplish in real life than it appears here). These are from Foundry, where most of my troops (and civilians) are recruited from these days.
They look pretty good from here.
-- Jeff
A bold looking lot indeed!
A glamorous, yet business-like, regiment!
Colonel Clouseau's Pink Pandours
A brillanat variation on the theme - I never get tired of it!
A very nice and unusual unit. And it's nice to see someone else who pandours to their taste for puns.
I'll get my hat...
A motely crew indeed. I will lock the doors and close the shutters when these chaps are about!
No worries, AJ, pundits are highly regarded in my ImagiNation! ;-)
These guys came with some kind of insignia thingie on their hats, but I filed them off. They're actually a mix of regular pandours and grenadier pandours. Now I still have enough to do another unit, but I think I want to come up with another color scheme. In the meantime other recruits are clamoring for attention...
Lovely looking pandour unit
-- Allan
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