Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Good to be the King

(with apologies to Mel Brooks!)

The King of Batrachia, King Leroy XV, out inspecting the troops. The Queen, Marie Suzette, was introduced back in

The drummer for the Cardinal's Guard - for the rest of the current compliment of the guard see

A grenadier playing second fiddle while the commander relaxes - part of the vignette previously published in


CWT said...

Very nice! 'Character' figures can add a lot to a wargame. Keep up the good work!


rpardo said...

Hahaha the King seems to be our Spanish King Charles IV....

Bluebear Jeff said...

I particularly like your choices for painting the King . . . a great palette of colors for him.

-- Jeff

Capt Bill said...

Yes, very regal indeed!

Capt Bill said...

Yes, very regal indeed!

Fitz-Badger said...

Thanks, guys! It's always encouraging to get some comments.

CWT, yeah, that's one of the reasons I like the Foundry minis. Lots of characters and variations.

Really, Rafa? I'll have to look that up and see. lol
Jeff, the lighting may make it look a bit off-white (pinkish? on one side), but the colors are basically white and gold.

The King is actually a figure from a Foundry set of duellists, one of the seconds I guess. But as I prepared to paint him I realized he was really the King of Batrachia!