Friday, January 1, 2010

New Recruits for a New Year

The Soweiter League's National Zoological Garden latest acquisition - wishing you a Hippo New Year!

The Hesse-Pfeffernusse Pfreikorps, led by Col. von Nussbaum, ably assisted by a grizzled old sargeant. (Standard bearer is off in the "wings" awaiting a flag)

Also from Hesse-Pfeffernusse, General Oscar von Pfreidegg


Die alte Aechzener said...

The earth trembles beneath the impact of the Soweiter Hippo - a relative of the Xerxes Rhino, one assumes?

Bluebear Jeff said...

Very nicely painted figures . . . and the hippo will serve double duty for Colonials!

-- Jeff

abdul666 said...

Cheers and best wishes!

tradgardmastare said...

Figures are fatastic but I fear my favourite is the hippo...
p.s Karl x11 of Sweden tried to domesticate/utilise elk as steeds of war- to no avail sadly. However it might work in the soweiter league...

A J said...

A fearsome beast indeed, and a fine body of men. The blue uniforms look very nice.

Apparently the hippopotamus has the worst breath of any animal on Earth. I'd count it as a canister charge against any attacker. ;)

tidders2 said...

like the Friekorps - love the hippo.

-- Allan